Nylen, StephenStephen Nylen is a fulltime Street Preacher of Frontline Street Ministry in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a street ministry he founded a decade ago. He is also the Veterans Chaplain for Equine Assisted Development of the Great Lakes. Stephen is sent out as an evangelist by the Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship and is a member of Harvest Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Stephen is the joyful husband of the beautiful Jessica Nylen and the proud father of 4 wonderful daughters (one through adoption) and the grandfather to 3 grandsons. You can find Stephen in various consistent contexts in the streets of Grand Rapids, such as the intersection of Burton/Eastern, the local abortion clinic and public events, as he and his team evangelize, minister and disciple in the public square and herald the glad tidings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While on active duty in the Army, he came to amazing faith in Christ and he loves to share the Gospel with anyone who will listen or genuinely plead with anyone who won't. He is joyous in his calling to be a “street preacher” and longs for all people to come and worship the Lord. He eagerly desires anyone who hears the Gospel story to be challenged either to come to faith in Christ themselves or, if you already are a Christ-follower, to do more to spread the Word to those who don’t yet know Him. Stephen also has a generational vision for a culture of evangelism in the reformed church and actively trains and disciples others to evangelize and street preach faithfully. Follow along with what God is doing, pray, participate or partner by funding the Frontlines at: FrontlineStreetMinistry.com Facebook.com/frontline2011 https://www.refglobal.org/nylen-stephen.html Mission Statement: At Frontline Street Ministry, we exist to worship the Lord, grow in faith, bless our community and equip the saints to witness to the world, with humility, in truth and in love with boldness and urgency, the Law of God, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the call for sinners to repent, believe and be born again to worship the Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit according to sound doctrine as we see in the Bible. (we believe that 'sound doctrine as we see in the Bible' is best expressed in the Westminster Confessions of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms, which are subservient to the Holy Scriptures). Acts 20:24 But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. Soli Deo Gloria |