Missions Conference 2019, A Call to Action
Steven SmithThe Smith family are missionaries that serve daily in front of an abortion mill in Augusta, Georgia known as A Preferred Women’s Health Center. When the mill is open and taking clients, there is a Christian witness actively being salt and light. Steven stands daily pleading for lives, preaching to souls and offering assistance to all of those participating in child sacrifice, even those passing by. God loves children, and He loves to have His Son’s name heralded in the streets. With up to 20 children being led to death by the hands of their own parents, it is estimated that nearly 60 souls will hear the Word of Life at a time and place where it is most needed- the doors of death. Prayer Requests: —Perseverance and Protection- This type of ministry not only brings fatigue, but spiritual warfare. Pray that our weaknesses may be shored up and our strength may be the joy of the Lord. —Forbearance- Ask the Lord to help us to be able to see the blindness of those hearts that we are ministering to and have pity on them. —Boldness— to proclaim the truth where the truth doesn’t want to be heard. —Pray that the principalities and powers that roost there will be bound in Jesus name. Perhaps He will soften hearts, open eyes and ears, and set the captives free. —Pray the Church will actively seek to end abortion through righteous bills of immediate abolition instead of incremental regulation. This is a hard ministry, but it’s also rewarding. God has chosen to show much fruit over the last 3 years: turn-aways and babies saved (almost daily), assistance and baby showers, divine appointments, discipleship, and personal sanctification- all to the glory of God. We thank both the Lord for his faithfulness and also you for your prayers and support. |