It has been since 2019 that Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship became Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship, and God has certainly been opening doors for us in that time. The decision to change names from our original PEF, which had its start in 1958, to REF, stemmed from the idea to show the church abroad that we were never directly affiliated with any particular denomination. Rather, we are committed to the reformed faith itself as set forth in the documents of those ancient creeds, such as the Westminster and the London Baptist Confessions. Since that time, the Lord has opened up numerous candidates from different denominational backgrounds who hold to the classical understanding of the doctrines of grace and election. We believe this has been a positive and unifying effort on behalf of our organization to open the doors for our brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of God to reach the world for Christ. In the coming year we hope you will join us in prayer as we continue to grow, and may the peace, and unity of our Lord Jesus Christ rule in our hearts and minds as we serve Him together.