Parsons, John MichaelMy name is John Michael Parsons. I am married to a wonderful, God-fearing woman named Lindsay and we just had our first child, John in May (2021).
Lindsay and I share a deep passion for following Christ! We are committed to spiritual multiplication, leading believers into missional community, and equipping in the foundations of the faith. The primary focus of our mission is to share the message of the Gospel with everyone we can. Furthermore, we intend to biblically disciple the evangelized and walk alongside our brothers and sisters in a spirit of unity; strengthening one another in the Word and raising up leaders who will, in turn, disciple others. Currently our hub is in Birmingham, Alabama as we have a passion for this area specifically; however, we also serve Christ in other places as well. One such place is on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico. Our friends on the reservation will always have a soft spot in our hearts and we do everything we can to raise awareness for their struggle. They are in constant need of supplies and we intend to continue serving them with the best of our ability as we also continue to build those relationships in the Lord. Please join us in helping to reach the world through biblical evangelism and discipleship for Christ! |