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INDIA VILLAGE MISSION (IVM) is a not-for-profit, Public Religious Charitable Trust, registered in the city of Dehradun in the State of Uttarakhand, India. The Trust was registered in January 2008. This registration provides the legal protection for its operation in India as a Christian Mission. IVM had its origin in the heart of Shibu when he was a seminary student at Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Dehradun. His desire was to give meaning and to take action based on what I had learned. He founds tangible expression through the practical application of work with the poorest in Dehradun. He was challenged to do something that would impact the lives of people for good; something which would also afford opportunities to share God’s love to those in need. Thus was born the idea of IVM. The first practical step in outreach was launched with the initiation of “The Village,” a project for the welfare of village women and girls to train them in tailoring clothing. IVM takes a holistic approach to human problems, seeking to address spiritual, as well as physical needs of people. The primary focus is on women and children in the deprived sections of the population. Our Vision: Takes a holistic approach to human development including meeting physical and spiritual needs. Reaches out to the most underprivileged people groups. Focuses primarily on women and children. Provides training in skills for career development. Offers literacy and health awareness programs. What We Do: IVM began with work stations for poor village women and girls were vocational training was provided to help them to earn a living. Now, we provide a 6-month certificate course with intensive training in tailoring. We also engage these women with counseling that helps them to break existing taboos. The training time often proves to be a life-changing experience for them as the love of God, exhibited through the inspiration of IVM, helps them get established. Today, IVM’s activities consist of work among the under-privileged and marginalized slum-dwellers in three locations: Deep Nagar, Chuna Bhatta, and the Rajasthan Colony (mountain people) We have three informal education centers providing free tutoring for preschool and elementary students. Two of the centers are equipped with computers donated by a IVM financial supporter. Mondays through Saturdays students regularly come, after school hours, for additional tutoring in math and English. Currently, IVM operates two tailoring centers and three tutoring centers where the children are provided free tuition. Presently, about 110 children benefit from the educational training. IVM also provides outreach to parents of the slum children by providing medical care camps for the slum-dwelling families. Recently, IVM started a preschool for the slum-dwelling children in 2018, VIDYA DEEP PRESCHOOL, and it is growing. IVM is staffed by five indigenous families who are fully committed to carrying out this work. They are stationed in Dehradun. IVM recognizes the sensitivities of the social and religious environment it works in and seeks to carry on the work quietly and without giving unnessecesary offence to the socio-political environment. We know for a fact that our work is already making a strong impact, and is inspiring many like-minded hearts. IVM has been committed to uplifting the poor since its inception in 2008. This work is sustained through the generous support of its well-wishers, like you. |